Spiritual Exploration

"Suspended in the Womb of the Universe"

"I immediately felt cradled. It was powerful to feel my body rise to the surface with no effort at all. Being held with such gentleness was for me a spiritual experience. I could not help but think I was connected to this darkness around me and within me and the light I knew that was beyond the tank. It helped me to transition with my challenges, face my fears, release those things that had entangled me and helped me to embrace the unknown, along with pure love and acceptance of where I am now. I was ready for this!

The water temperature matched my body temperature, so after I rested into it; I felt neither hot nor cold. The medium that filled the space between my body and the water rushed over me like a wave starting at my feet and over my head. My mind shut the door where I could no longer tell that time or space exist. At that moment, It was just me to face whatever was ahead of me. I felt I wasn't alone. I spoke aloud what I wanted for my life, what I wanted to let go of. My voice reverberated in the darkness as I spoke these truths. I listened to my heart beat until I became one with it. Right now, I feel at peace. Everyone has a different experience in the salt water float tank. This is definitely one of those "must do" things in life. I hope you enjoy it too."

"Peaceful, Weightless Relaxation"

"The float chamber was one of the deepest and most therapeutic relaxation experiences I have had in any form of wellness care. The release of tension from all aspects of the body, the slow and steady relaxation of the mind, and then ultimately a tranquil & peaceful weightless meditation were all part of the experience. I recommend to anyone who lives an active lifestyle, is seeking methods for deeper relaxation and calmness, is interested in inner spiritual exploration, or is simply hoping to detox and rest in a deeply restful environment." - Ehren Cruz, Musical Director ~ LEAF